Stay Informed and Stay Safe with is the ultimate source for crime news in your area and across the nation. Whether you want to know about the latest robbery, shooting, or kidnapping in your neighborhood, or you want to follow the most significant crime stories in the country, has you covered.

With, you can access accurate, timely, and geocoded crime information from police departments and verified news reports. You can also get direct links to the original sources for more details and context. is powered by SpotCrime, the largest and most comprehensive source for crime data. SpotCrime collects crime incident data from multiple sources and plots it on a map to produce a complete record of local crime information. SpotCrime also sends crime alerts to over 2 million subscribers and reaches over 60 million people every month.

Download Apps for iOS and Android

Now you can get all the benefits of on your mobile device with our new apps for iOS and Android platforms. The apps are free to download and use, and they offer some amazing features:

  • Localized Crime News: Enter your zip code and get updates on crimes happening in your neighborhood, city, or region.
  • National Breaking Crime News: Stay informed about the most important crime incidents from across the country.
  • Direct News Source Links: Get more information about each crime story by clicking on the “View Details” link that takes you to the original source.
  • Detailed Crime Classification: Learn about the nature and severity of each crime incident by looking at its specific location and classification.

With apps, you can stay informed and stay safe wherever you go. You can also share crime news with your friends and family via social media or email.

How to Download Apps

To download apps, simply visit or search for “Crimelocal” in your device’s app store. You can also scan the QR codes below to download the apps directly: is an independent and self-supporting entity that does not take any outside funding or charge the public for its information. Our sole intent is to make all relevant crime information available to the public, taking full advantage of the Internet to allow this data to be shared.

Download apps today and join us in our mission to create a safer and more informed community.